Thursday, August 24, 2017

Topic 10 !! (cont.) - SmartBuilder (Finishing and Publishing Courseware)

Hey there~
This might be my last entry for this blog, so I am bit sad.
(No, seriously!)

Well, over with the tears for a moment, let me revised the last steps of my journey in creating an 
e-Learning Courseware.

After we have done with audio, hotspot, images, questions pages and stuff, we need to check again the flow of the courseware and all went well.
I just cannot believe that it actually requires almost A MONTH for us to settle this baby of ours. 
(Well, it could have been much better if we spend more time for it)

Now, I will share a bit on how to publish your completed courseware!
Let's go!

First, you go to the taskbar, you click on the 'File' and you'll see 'Publish' option. Don't waste time and just click on it!
After you've click on it, this will pop out!

There is a blank space where you need to write your courseware title.
*Here is a warning! Before you click on the publish, make sure you saved your courseware with the CORRECT TITLE that you wanted it to be. If not, it might keep the saved name of your courseware eventhough you type in the title in the box above. Just a bit reminder because that what happened to us LOL! *

Next, after you've waited for the green thing (percentage done) to reach 100%,
you will meet with this box!

It said your lesson published succesfully! Yeay!
BUT! We are still not done!
You click on the 'Upload and View Online' button, 
and it will bring you straight to the SmartBuilder website.
*Oh ya! They will ask for your SmartBuilder ID first, so just sign when asked to do so*

Wait (again!) until it reached 100%.....

You can view your lesson online!
Click on that button for you to get your lesson link!

See that LINK?
That's my group's courseware link! We got one!

And that is how you publish you courseware online.
All three of us somehow felt like being a developer hah! (just a bit~ *wink2* )

So, before I put my pen down -or should I say stop typing- here are some teaser for our
e-Learning Courseware. I will provide the link too, don't worry!


And that's it!
Thanks for all the time you have spent reading and scrolling over my blog.
I felt so grateful and thankful when you read my posts.
May we meet again, somewhere....maybe in different blogs? Who knows~

Once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
This was Dani.


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