Saturday, August 5, 2017

Topic 10 !! (cont.) - SmartBuilder (Courseware Planning) -

Greetings, everyone!
Hope you are doing just great today!
0msn red fox smilies 10

Today, as usual, SmartBuilder.
After we have learnt the basic and what we need to do,
first of all, we need plan.
I think I mentiond somewhere in my entry before, but this planning stuff is almost the same as doing lesson plan.

Which mean, we need to have topic, objective, target audience, learning outcomes, lessons, activities, and reflection at the end.

After brainstorm-ing with my group (Ain, Dani, Kiran), we decided we are going to do on KSSR Year 2, topic 'On The Farm'. Basically, here is our plan.

Topic            : On The Farm (Year 2 KSSR)
Objective     : By the end of the courseware, pupil will be able to
                        learn about the animals on the farm.
Target           : Primary School pupil (8 years old)
Learning Outcome : 
1. Able to recognise the sounds of the animal 4 out of 5 correctly.
2. Able to match the correct pairing of the animals 3 out of 5 correctly.
3. Able to spell the name of the animals 4 out of 5 correctly

Lessons : - Pupils read the note prepared.

- Pupils listen to the animals' sound.

Activities :
1. Match the animals with their youngs.
2. Choose the correct answer based on the question given.
3. Spell the name of the animals given.

I guess, that is all for now?
Still have a long way till we finish our courseware, so
We'll do our best!!
ali 097

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