Saturday, June 10, 2017

Topic 2!! - Introduction to CALL -

Greetings to all !
ali 023
In this post, I will share my reflection on this week's topic.

This week was about CALL, an abbreviation for Computer Assisted Language Learning.
CALL is famously used in language learning by implementing technology in it.

There are 4 programs under CALL, which are;
1) CALL-Specific Software
2) Generic Software
3) Web-based Learning Programs
4) CMC

CALL-Specific Software usually found in textbook in CD form. Oh how I love that kind of software!!

Generic Software; general applications that commonly used by all computer users - but can act as a tool for language learning too! Very simple example; Microsoft Office!! 

Web-Based Learning Program is applications/stuff that could be found in internet, and also can act as a tool for language learning. You know, wikipedia, blogspot, magazine and news website, online journal. Sooo many of them out there!

Image result for blogspot, wikipedia icons      Image result for blogspot, wikipedia icons

Lastly, CMC - also know as Computer Mediated Communication. This one is the most popular and could be say as the most used application! Whatsapp, Messenger, WeChat, any kind of instant messaging nowadays are synchronous type of CMC, while Email, Discussion/Message boards are the examples of asynchronous CMC.

I also learnt that computer actually have the role of being a tutor, a tool and a medium for students to be able to learn more on language. 

That's all for now!
To be continued later, so.......!

See ya!

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